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Close-up of a lab personnel in PPE holding a microfluidic chip in hand.
Digital microfluidics is a versatile technology that finds its applications in synthetic biology, diagnostics, and bacterial protocols.
iStock, humonia

SLAS Technology Discusses Versatility of Digital Microfluidics

Latest issue of SLAS Technology also covers limitations and future outlook of digital microfluidics in synthetic biology

Published:Feb 16, 2023
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OAK BROOK, IL — The February 2023 issue of Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening (SLAS) Technology contains four original research articles and one review article covering digital microfluidics (DMF), cryopreservation, colorectal cancer research, and other laboratory automation technology.

This month’s featured article, “Digital microfluidics as an emerging tool for bacterial protocols,” by Carine Nemr, PhD, and co-authors, provides a full assessment of DMF—an advanced liquid handling technology that utilizes electrostatic forces to manipulate microdroplets on a plate. The authors’ assessment of DMF was based on 15 years’ worth of compiled research and development on the technique.

DMF is used in synthetic biology (ligation, transformation, and induction), diagnostics (nucleic acid detection and antibiotic susceptibility testing), and bacterial protocols for sample preparation. However, the authors identify additional applications that DMF may serve as the optimal technology for bacterial protocol advances due to its versatility.

Read this review article, along with the below research articles, in the February issue of SLAS Technology. The February issue includes these additional articles:

  • The 2023 SLAS Technology ten: Translating life sciences innovation

  • Improving an rRNA depletion protocol with statistical design of experiments

  • DOX-loaded hydroxyapatite nanoclusters for colorectal cancer (CRC) chemotherapy: Evaluation based on the cancer cells and organoids

  • An Optical Approach for Cell Pellet Detection

  • An automated modular open-technology device to measure and adjust concentration of aquatic sperm samples for cryopreservation

  • Life sciences discovery and technology highlights

- This press release was originally published on the SLAS website