Lab managers are at the forefront of delivering genetic testing with first-hand experience underscoring the critical importance of precision and providing reliable results.

Integrating cell line-derived reference standards into your current workflows can increase consistency and reliability. Once integrated, these standards can be adapted to your current oncology testing methodology.
By incorporating reference standards, labs can identify and then significantly reduce errors that may arise during sample preparation, sequencing, and analysis. Reference materials serve as reliable benchmarks, supporting informed decision-making.
Discover how to leverage cell line-derived reference standards in oncology assays to enhance testing reliability and streamline workflows.
Download the white paper to learn:
• How integration of cell line-derived reference standards can help to enhance genetic testing
• Methods to mitigate errors throughout the testing process, from sample preparation to analysis, using reference materials
• Strategies for streamlining laboratory workflows more efficiently with the adoption of cell line-derived reference standards
• How leveraging cell line-derived standards can help to transform oncology assays, enhancing testing reliability
For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.