News Roundup: Digital Pathology, HPV Testing, and COLA Accreditation
Pathology news highlights include two new partnerships and approval of a new accreditation program in California

Digital pathology partnership
Leica Biosystems, a cancer diagnostics company, and Indica Labs, a computational and imaging management software provider, have announced a partnership that focuses on supplying digital pathology workflow solutions. The two groups have agreed to a commitment to maintain compatibility between the Aperio GT 450 family of scanners from Leica Biosystems with the Halo family software from Indica Labs.
In a recent press release, Steven Hashagen, CEO of Indica Labs, said, “Customers can rest assured that both companies are working proactively to meet the regulatory and technical integration needs of the industry.”
HPV testing
Total Testing Solutions (TTS), a medical diagnostic testing company, has announced a partnership with OmniPathology. This partnership will make OmniPathology oral HPV testing available in Los Angeles (LA) at the West LA TTS site. Able to detect 14 high-risk strains of HPV, the test is performed via a throat swab at TTS and is then submitted to OmniPathology for assessment.
“[OmniPathology’s] state-of-the-art testing is helping us to make all medical testing more accessible to the masses,” said Lauren Trenkle, CEO of Total Testing Solutions, in a recent press release.
Accreditation program approved by California
The Pathology Accreditation Program from COLA Inc. has been recently approved in the State of California. COLA now has the authority to assess whether clinical laboratories in California are in compliance with State law for the specialty of pathology, as well as the subspecialties of histopathology, cytology, and oral pathology.
Said Nancy Stratton, CEO of COLA, in a recent press release: “COLA will continue to provide superior service, with emphasis on high-quality patient results, to a larger number of laboratories than ever before.”
The COLA team of pathology experts includes David Chhieng, MD, MBA, MSHI, MSEM, MLS, who is chief medical officer of COLA and is board certified in clinical and anatomic pathology, cytopathology, and clinical informatics, as well as Kathy Wilson, HT(ASCP)QLS, who has joined as director of Pathology Accreditation.