Today's Clinical Lab - News, Editorial and Products for the Clinical Laboratory


New Sensitive and Powerful RNA-seq Technologies to Measure Gene Expression

Join Today's Clinical Lab and Riccardo Dainese to Learn About New Sensitive and Powerful RNA-Seq Technologies



Riccardo has been the CEO and co-founder of Alithea Genomics since its incorporation in May 2020. Before that, he completed his PhD in bioengineering and microfluidics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) in the Laboratory of Systems Biology and Genetics, run by Prof Bart Deplancke. During his PhD, Riccardo worked on and co-developed several microvalve-based and droplet-based microfluidic devices with genomic applications, such as Smile-seq, FloChIP, and DisCO all of which have been patented separately and published in top-tier journals, such as Nature Methods and PNAS. Before his PhD, Riccardo obtained a master’s degree in nanotechnology at Chalmers University (Goteborg, Sweden) and a bachelor’s in biomedical engineering at the Politecnico di Torino (Italy).

Measuring the expression of genes in clinical samples provides insights into disease mechanisms and offers the opportunity to discover novel diagnostic, prognostic, and even therapeutic biomarkers.

In this webinar, we will present new sensitive and powerful RNA-seq technologies developed by Alithea Genomics and boosted by INTEGRA’s liquid-handling solutions.

We will first describe the main challenges of performing RNA-seq on clinical samples workflow considerations, then we will provide an overview of Alithea’s Genomics RNA-seq technologies and how the proprietary chemistries simultaneously enable high-quality results and low processing costs. We then focus specifically on the technologies developed for clinical samples, including FFPE, whole-blood, PBMCs, and tissue samples, and how INTEGRA’s VIAFLO 96 and VIAFLO 384 pipettes are instrumental in facilitating the execution of these new workflows.

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