Evidence-Based Mental Health Interventions for Medical Laboratory Professionals
Join Today's Clinical Lab and Dr. Nowrouzi-Kia to explore evidence-based strategies and interventions to lower stress in clinical lab staff
Published:Aug 16, 2021
|1 min read
Evidence-Based Mental Health Interventions for Medical Laboratory Professionals
Though not patient-facing, medical laboratory professionals provide critical support to patients from behind the scenes. During the pandemic, lab professionals have been exasperated by the increased demand in laboratory testing, often without specific recognition for their contributions or adequate support. As a result, medical lab professionals are experiencing high levels of burnout and job stress, negatively impacting their daily lives.
How can laboratory leaders and organizations help prevent burnout in their staff?
During this webinar, Dr. Nowrouzi-Kia will examine recent research on how job stressors/burnout impacts quality of life in medical laboratory professionals and outline evidence-based strategies and interventions that can be used to lower stress levels and promote staff well-being.