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Easy-to-Implement Digital Systems Make Lab Inventory Less Cumbersome

Join Today's Clinical Lab and Roja Azees to discuss how a digital inventory management system can help labs save on time, effort, and costs

Roja Azees
Roja Azees is the product manager of LANEXO® System from MilliporeSigma’s Connected Lab digital program. She is a biotechnologist with over 8 years of combined experience in sales, marketing, and product management in the life science sector.

Digital transformation is key to meeting the challenges of today's laboratories. When it comes to inventory management, repetitive manual tasks prone to human error create data integrity issues, quality risks, productivity sinks, and greater waste in the vast majority of labs. 

Instead, digital inventory systems can create inventory efficiencies, simplify compliance, and digitize paper trails for highly regulated labs. This webinar focuses on the LANEXO® Lab Inventory, Safety and Compliance Management System, which is simple to implement, set up, and integrate into existing workflows, with an intuitive, user-friendly application. It can drastically slash the time needed to manage inventory and individual consumables, freeing your lab to focus on science.

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