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A2LA's former mission and vision focused on accreditation programs, while the new mission and vision are centered on the positive outcomes of its work.
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A2LA’s New Mission and Vision Focus on Global Health and Safety

The organization updated its mission and vision for the first time in eight years to highlight its impact and expertise

Published:Jan 31, 2024
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FREDERICK, MD — The American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) is excited to share its newly published mission and vision statements. The publication coincides with the start of the organization’s 2024 strategic plan, which focuses on safety, integrity, quality, and growth. 


We embody the highest integrity and expertise to create trust, safety, and quality throughout the world.


We create a safer, healthier world.

The former mission and vision focused on accreditation programs, while the new mission and vision are centered on the positive outcomes of A2LA’s work: Safety and quality throughout the world. It shows staff, customers, and partners the bigger picture and describes the part the organization plays in creating a safer, healthier world.

“Mission and vision statements should serve as a guiding light,” said Lonnie Spires, MBA, A2LA president and CEO. “They should inspire staff and allow us to determine which opportunities align with our purpose. For us, our work isn’t confined to accreditation. It’s about the positive, global impact it leaves.”

A guide for decision-making and growth

Each year, A2LA develops a strategic plan detailing the organization’s goals for the future. As the team began the strategic planning process at the board of directors meeting at the beginning of 2023, it became clear that it was time to refresh A2LA’s mission and vision, which would serve as the basis for strategic plans going forward.

A2LA last revised its mission and vision eight years ago, and since then, A2LA, its customers’ needs, and the global landscape have drastically evolved. Proactively updating the mission and vision reflects A2LA’s growth, its role as a leader in the industry, and what the organization hopes to achieve in the future.

"If we truly believe and embrace the words in our mission and vision, they can guide us as we make large and small decisions,” said A2LA board of directors member William Troy, MA. “Do the actions we contemplate enhance or degrade our commitment to our mission and vision? Sometimes the answers are complex, but the standards we measure against are clear."

The new mission and vision were developed by A2LA’s executive team, general managers, and a task force at the board of directors level. Mary Kay Krogull, MS, A2LA board chair and president of Eurofins added, “We want our customers, stakeholders, and staff to clearly see what A2LA stands for and to understand what we want to accomplish. It helps customers evaluate whether our values are aligned, understand our focus, differentiate us from competitors, and establish trust and transparency. They are essential tools for creating a strong and cohesive organizational structure.”

- This press release was originally published on the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation website