A New Perspective on Networking

Discover a new perspective on networking, recognize common mistakes, and understand the broad value of networking

Photo portrait of Alison Foo, MSc, PMP
Alison Foo, MSc, PMP
Photo portrait of Alison Foo, MSc, PMP

Alison Foo is a career, communication and leadership coach. She’s passionate about changing lives through teaching professional skills. She has worked with graduate students, newcomers, marginalized groups, and professionals from various industries. Her specialty is the clinical and research sectors. Alison is also a clinical research professor. She teaches at Seneca College, McMaster University Continuing Education, and ACCES Employment. Previously, she worked on all phases of clinical trials and specialized in clinical trial management, clinical data management, clinical monitoring, and stakeholder management. When she’s not working or volunteering, she’s spending time with her rescue dog, watching Asian TV, and saving recipes she’ll never use.

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Published:Nov 23, 2023
|2 min read
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Networking for Clinical Lab Professionals: A Different Perspective

People make networking sound like it is the solution to all career-related problems. You may be disappointed to hear this, but I agree. However, I understand if networking seems too daunting or risky. Maybe you’ve been planning to network but keep putting it off. Or perhaps you’ve already tried networking but didn’t find it productive. 

Regardless, my recent webinar, Networking for Clinical Lab Professionals: A Different Perspective, may be just what you need. 

In this webinar, we lay the foundation for your networking journey by promoting self-awareness, challenging misconceptions, and building your confidence to try new strategies. We also cover the lesser-known benefits of networking and real-world examples of effective methods. 

Developing foundational networking skills

I used to hate asking for help. I would even refuse help when it was offered. So, as you may have deduced, networking didn’t come naturally for me. Now, I enjoy networking and attribute many successes to it. To get to this point, I had to take countless tiny steps to develop and practice foundational skills. My first steps toward change were difficult. That’s why the first webinar of this series is dedicated to uncovering limiting beliefs.

In my case, I was willing to offer help but unwilling to receive it, because I didn’t want to be annoying or waste anyone’s time. After self-reflection, I discovered a subconscious belief that I didn’t have anything to offer people with more experience; hence, I wasn’t worthy of their time. Thank goodness I realized how wrong I was. You see, we often underestimate the value of simply creating a pleasant interaction. Now, I’m comfortable asking anyone and everyone for help, and I don’t take it personally when they say no. 

Throughout my webinar series, you’ll learn  

  • how to increase your chances of getting more yeses than nos
  • how to inherently add value to all conversations and relationships, and 
  • how to be genuine in your approach and transparent about intentions so that your interactions with strangers won’t feel exploitive or manipulative.

I’ve helped many clients better understand themselves, improve their skills, and achieve their goals through networking. Their goals have included, but were not limited to, overcoming employment barriers, acquiring new opportunities, and changing careers. I’ll do the same for you by sharing simple and unique strategies throughout my four-part networking series. 

Be sure to start with my webinar, Networking for Clinical Lab Professionals: A Different Perspective, to explore a new perspective on networking, recognize common mistakes, and understand the broad value of networking. I’ll also get you started with a few practical strategies.

Part 2: Since conversation skills are the foundation of networking, my next webinar shares high-impact communication strategies that can be easily incorporated into your daily lives.

 Networking for Clinical Lab Professionals: A Different Perspective

Alison Foo, MSc, PMP
Alison Foo, MSc, PMP

Alison Foo is a career, communication and leadership coach. She’s passionate about changing lives through teaching professional skills. She has worked with graduate students, newcomers, marginalized groups, and professionals from various industries. Her specialty is the clinical and research sectors. Alison is also a clinical research professor. She teaches at Seneca College, McMaster University Continuing Education, and ACCES Employment. Previously, she worked on all phases of clinical trials and specialized in clinical trial management, clinical data management, clinical monitoring, and stakeholder management. When she’s not working or volunteering, she’s spending time with her rescue dog, watching Asian TV, and saving recipes she’ll never use.


Careerseducation and trainingnetworking professional development
Top Image:
Lay the foundation for your networking journey.
iStock, BeritK